jueves, 11 de noviembre de 2010

Interpersonal Communication and Conflict

The style of conflict that I use a lot is symmetrical escalation. I do not like to discuss things, but I like to have everything clear and done to not have more problems with that issue in the future. For instance, if I have a conflict with my father, for example, I am going to explain my points of view as further as I can. But I know that this approach can not run forever, so when there is no point to follow this method, I would use the symmetrical negotiation. I hear other's opinion and I would reflect the good points of other point of view and then, I will argue the points that I do not agree with, expecting the other person to do the same, so we can fin the best solution picking both good points of the view. Although may times this results impossible because there is a Yes/No issue or a Black/White solution, so there is no a mixed solution, it has to be a straight one. So, that should be my health way to find a solution for the problem, so everybody should have the feeling of winning, because it seems that everybody got the point that they want to arrive.

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